About Me

Tracy Duran is a self-taught historical researcher and advocate. Her interest in local history started while listening to the childhood stories her parents shared with her. The “old times” always intrigued Tracy. She is an avid collector of vintage items related to her hometown, Aurora, Illinois, specifically anything featuring the main "character" of her upcoming novel “Shadows of Leland”, the Leland Hotel. She likes utilizing her hometown and her knowledge of its history not only for familiarity but also the city's “haunted” aspects. It has been said that Aurora has a significant layer of spiritual dust. Some local folks might recognize certain aspects of Aurora and its surrounding towns in her stories.

Visiting "Boot Hill" Nebraska
"Where the cowboys were buried with
their boots on"
As a young girl, Tracy used to write many short stories while attending grade school through high school. She always wanted to write a screenplay and see her stories made into movies. It wasn't until she found her focus and her cause when she started writing stories about spiritual incidences. Tracy's first experience with the spiritual world was when she was four years old. 
Tracy at home
Tracy became interested in local history during high school. Almost every weekend she would go to the Aurora Public Library and spend the majority of her day in the historical document room where she had decades of newspapers to read. From the early years of journalism in Aurora to the "mobster era" of Al Capone to articles during her childhood in the late 1970s. She was really intrigued by seeing the articles revolving around the acts of Al Capone, Giacomo "Big Jim" Colosimo, Dean O'Banion and George "Bugs" Moran. To see renowned Chicago history in her hometown newspaper fascinated her.  Being able to "go back in time" in her own way back then, she tries to bring that type of feeling into her current writing. 

Tracy lives in North Aurora, Illinois, with her husband Coyote and their daughter Makayla. She absolutely loves her family and appreciates all their support.

Duran Family Forever

1 comment:

  1. Check this out, Tracy! https://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/40/sherman.php
